Thursday, November 29, 2012

Write Like It's Your Job: And One Day it Might Be!


Every day (yes, really), writers ask me what advice I have for them in either starting their book, or finishing it. I think people want to know the big secret, or the golden ticket to writing a best selling book. Hell, I even searched for the answer for years as I wrote my book. And I finally learned it. Wanna know what it is?


I know, seems obvious, right? (write?) But the more you put off working on that book, the longer it will take to produce, and the longer it will take to get on the virtual shelves of Amazon and every other online retailer you plan on selling it through. And, the longer it will take to become a best seller and hopefully lead to more best sellers and ultimately (hopefully) make you a smashing success! 

Here are some tips to get in the zone and stay on track:

1. Set a regular writing routine. Choose specific days a week you'll write, and set a word count for that day. Tip: the average word count for one page of a book is 250 words. Do the math and figure out what you need to get done according to your timelines.

2. Reward yourself for every milestone. Yes, kind of like a dog getting a treat. It works, trust me. I chose a nice bottle of champagne every time I got 10,000 words done. Pick your poison, baby.

3. Focus on the ultimate goal. Visualize your book being done, the launch party, signing all those lovely copies in your favorite pen.

Wouldn't it be fabulous to make a living off writing?

You know what to do.


Want help? Email to learn about our personalized coaching and consulting packages.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Got a Book in You? I Know You Do!

I can't even count how many people have told me "When I write my book..." Seems like everyone's got a book in them, right? If you can identify, I urge you to stop dreaming and start doing. There is nothing like seeing your story, your words, your heart, in print. Nothing.

Most people are overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book, let alone publishing one. Traditional publishing is still a viable option for some, but for most, self-publishing has become not just an option, but an amazing opportunity.

When I made the decision to self-publish, I was terrified. Would people judge me? Would my book even sell? Would I be proud of it, or still caught up in the stigma that no publisher took a chance on me?

Making the decision to self-publish my book was one of the best decisions of my life.

But it didn't come easily. I spent years researching the industry, talking to authors who had taken the leap, reading articles, talking to editors at traditional publishing houses, publicists, literary agents (in fact I had one of my own while we were shopping the book).

My hard work paid off and my book was successful. Immediately, writers were approaching me for advice on how to pull it off. Where to begin. I decided to take my life coaching skills and combine them with my self-publishing experience and offer help to writers who want to get that book out there, but need a little push.

Maybe you need help outlining your idea. Maybe you're halfway through, but need a boost getting it finished. Maybe you've written the book, but need help finding an editor or a designer to help you fine tune it and bring it to life. Maybe your book is out there, but you have no idea how to market it. 

Maybe you just want to talk to someone, one on one, who's done it.

Learn more about my coaching and consulting packages. 

Email me at

I'd love to hear from you.